I have started a little habit of walking to the gas station by my house in the morning for coffee and food.
It gets me out of the house and gets me a bit of sun. I’ve always liked gas station snacks, too 🙂
Also, since I’ve been feeling so disconnected from society, from everything, maybe random chats with the gas station people will start to feel like local community of some kind. I’ve always liked the sense of road-trip random watering hole community I get at gas stations, especially on road trips.
Also, a gas station’s limited selection of nourishment options make decisions easier when my brain isn’t awake yet. Otherwise I go through endless cycles of “I feel like a zombie, how can I feel better and wake up for the day? should I meditate? Making coffee sounds hard…. Will I fall asleep if I meditate before coffee? Argh, I don’t want to make coffee tho, it hurts – maybe a rockstar instead? Did I remember to buy some or am I out?” I can just… force myself out the door, with the promise that if I REALLY don’t like it, I can come right back home – but usually, experiencing some sun and fresh air, even if initially an affront to the senses, helps perk me up…
Avoiding decision fatigue is SUPER critical in this extended ADHD-is-really-bad-cuz-im-looking-for-coping-mechanisms-that-actually-work phase and maybe forever
It also helps me practice dressing for changing weather conditions without heavy consequences