What has vyvanse/adderall done for my brain?

Okay, so, first I have to back up a little, and describe a bit how my brain works. There are certain areas my intellect has always excelled in, and certain areas my intellect has tended to suck in. The ones I excel in tend to … “What has vyvanse/adderall done for my brain?”

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2020-01-21 on fear

This post came to me during my morning (non-guided) meditation with Insight Timer. Use fear/anxiety as motivation to action, not paralysis. The animal brain fears, and this can be a good signal, and can inform my actions, but I tend to use it to justify … “2020-01-21 on fear”

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ADHD Hyperfocus is a depth-first search

If a task is not “interesting” (whatever that means) it’s like pulling teeth to start. However, if a task is interesting, it’s like pulling teeth to stop. Waking-up thought today: with ADHD, it’s like I’m stuck stuck in a perpetual depth-first search. (I would’ve called … “ADHD Hyperfocus is a depth-first search”

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