What has vyvanse/adderall done for my brain?

Okay, so, first I have to back up a little, and describe a bit how my brain works. There are certain areas my intellect has always excelled in, and certain areas my intellect has tended to suck in. The ones I excel in tend to … “What has vyvanse/adderall done for my brain?”

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ADHD Hyperfocus is a depth-first search

If a task is not “interesting” (whatever that means) it’s like pulling teeth to start. However, if a task is interesting, it’s like pulling teeth to stop. Waking-up thought today: with ADHD, it’s like I’m stuck stuck in a perpetual depth-first search. (I would’ve called … “ADHD Hyperfocus is a depth-first search”

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The tyranny of the interesting

Thanks to ADHD, I live my life by the tyranny of the interesting. Anything that’s not “interesting” is like pulling teeth to start. Anything that IS interesting is like pulling teeth to STOP. What’s “interesting” is seemingly random, an unpredictable x-factor. Sometimes, from the outside, … “The tyranny of the interesting”

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